
Archive for the ‘Butcombe Brewery’ Category

Site: http://butcombe.com/beers/beers.shtml

Bitter, 4.5%

Comments: A very pleasant english bitter, with a good balance of malty sweetness and hoppy bitterness. Amber in colour, fine white head and moderate retention. Initial flavour is sweet, somewhat malty, with only mild use of aroma hop. This gives way to the bittering malt, which is definite, and leads to a dry finish. A clean beer, well representative of the style.

Overall score: 6.5/10

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Site: http://www.butcombe.com/beers/beers.shtml#

Porter, 4.7%

Comments: A dark-tan beer, with a coarse head and little retention. The first thing that hits you when you taste this beer is the chocolate malt, with definite coffee, chocolate and roasted grain flavours. These are what driver this beer. A smooth flavour, with bittering hop present, but little use of any aroma. Surprisingly, this beer is not overly sweet, which works well, and the aftertaste is driven by the same chocolate and coffee flavours as at the start. A porter which seems to have a definite aim, and is very well executed.

Overall score: 7.5/10

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